TweetDeck is lame.
"Passengers cheat AH1N1 flu scan at airport". Yes, 2 aspirin a couple hours before your flight and you're good to go.
2010 is really not that far into the future...
time for nasty meeting from hell. At least it's not scheduled for mondays; it'd suck to start the week with this crap.
Votar o no votar. Son todos iguales: PRInosaurio, PANosaurio, PRDonte, PTerodáctilo...
You think they're evil alien robots out to destroy mankind; in reality all they want is to get their upgrades to Windows 7.
Why can't things fail ONE AT A TIME???
Just got sent a 1-MB powerpoint presentation that tells a 5-line joke. People, that's NOT what Powerpoint was created for.
Whee pandemic at last! see world? us mexicans weren't exaggerating... or.. maybe we were.
I'm actually rooting for Mexico to NOT qualify for the 2010 FIFA world cup :)
Safari 4's claim to "world's fastest browser" is greatly exaggerated; it crawls on this Windows box. Back to Chrome or Firefox for me...
So is Ghostbusters III going to be like Space Cowboys? how are those septuagenarians going to carry the rather heavy proton packs?
Hey, rain. You're quite welcome amid this horrid heat.
URL shorteners - the rickroller's best friend.
Oops, for a moment there I thought Twitter's input field was the address bar.
WWDC. "the audience is not happy". LOL!
@yacaFx puedes leerlo aqui: el webcast lo suben en la tarde
Had a nasty dream about banks and credit cards, so I woke up already in a foul mood. Bah!
@pablommm made the previous two (awful) star trek films and the last series (enterprise), basically buried the franchise until now.
At first UP's premise didn't sound appealing. I have learned to trust the Pixar crew though, and they didn't disappoint. A jewel of a movie.
Haven't been that impressed by a movie since Cloverfield. Guess who directed that one. Seeing a pattern here?
Watched Star Trek. Loved it. After the movie I was waving my arms and screaming for Rick Berman & Brannon Braga to go fuck themselves.
Off to bed. Night all!
Mexico. Here the law is never on your side. I guess that's why nobody cares for it.
@pablommm try reloading, the newspaper's site is flaky.
You can see penguin poop from space:
"viewer discrestion advised" goes to show that using a computer to post this crap on the Internet is EASIER than learning a bit of grammar.
Argh! MySQL server has gone away! *feeling abandoned*
Las elecciones, malos candidatos: "¿Qué prefieres, caca, pedo o chis?"
"y luego de hacerla te la vuelves a comer". Mensaje a todos los conductores agresivos hoy ;)
Wrestled all day with a unit test. I finally won.
I hate to go home and leave an angry tweet. So happy tweets to you all!
Eating a sandwich, yeah.
An egg fell from a nest and broke. The unhatched 1-inch-long little bird is there dead on the sidewalk :( and NO I will NOT take pictures.
@pablommm operation corndog was a fail. We settled for pb&j sandwiches, much less labor-intensive. I can send you the recipe if you want ;)
@pablommm no more heroes, for the wii! Eviscerating people with the beam katana is so therapeutic, and using the wiimote it rocks.
OK people, if your organization's network administrator has NO CLUE ABOUT FUCKING NETWORKING, then I guess you're hopeless.
No se puede "escapar a una muerte segura". Si se puede, es que no era tan segura. ;)
Hey my favorite tweet day of the week is here. #WoofWednesday ! Here's a cute loldog for y'all.
Thinking of outfitting my 70-square-feet cube with 5.1 surround sound and a beefy subwoofer... nah. Wouldn't fly with the authorities.
Mexico's secretary of energy. Stunning picture. Is she a mouse or a Ferengi?
I hate people who use YouTube videos to show off a bunch of still pictures. Use for that.
@pablommm there ya go: I don't want to be a freaking accountant.
Time says that network and computer systems professionals will be in high demand until at least 2016. Skynet, anyone?
Beethoven's 5th. Problem: the kids outside have some techno music blaring. Solution: close the door. Sad implication: I'm a sociopath.
"Serenity now". LOL. I never really liked Seinfeld but that one episode had me laughing my ass off.
I'm so fucking mad right now, only some nice quiet music keeps me from tearing my cubicle apart. I'm overreacting, also :)
For someone as sociopathic as myself, I sure do get upset when the phones don't work.
Also, Project Natal, WTF? Call me when it's renamed to "Actual Product Natal". I guess I'm this unimpressed because it's Microsoft after all