Just sneezed. Luckily I have a cleaning rag just for these occasions. *wiping monitor clean*
@El_Chaco_Veloz es como Fringe pero en una isla y sin los Bishop = nadie entiende nada :)
@El_Chaco_Veloz nada bueno? Y Lost?
Cookies are delicious delicacies.
I BOFHd a user earlier today. Feel kinda bad about it. Guess i'm too soft for a true BOFH.
"¿tiene otra computadora donde probar?" - "sí tengo otra pero no funciona" - "o sea, NO tiene otra" - "no, sí tengo, pero no funciona"
Another user who forgot his password.
The new Windows Phone, it looks like the screen is too small for the image. I foresee a lot of scrolling on that sucker. LOL.
"Formidably convoluted and obscure" - you don't say. At least it's not Java or fricking C#.
Need a kickstand for your iphone/ipod touch? http://gizmodo.com/5057005/the-paperclip-iphoneipod-touch-stand
@El_Chaco_Veloz vente a mexico, aquí solo pasan los juegos en el canal 22, todos los demás no tienen ni resumen ;)
Don't place all your faith on your UPS - those fail too. *box rebooted twice due to faulty UPS*
Han shot first.
¿En México y quieres ver los juegos olímpicos? Están en el canal 22. Chinguen a su madre Televisa y TV Azteca.
"al cuarto para las siete jodieron la red" jajajajaj
WTFFS - the "what the fuck" filesystem.
Yah, if I ever work in a place with a formal dress code, "casual friday" will mean I get to wear the "lilo & stitch" bowtie. LOL.
"No plan survives contact with the enemy" - Von Moltke. So, if you have a life plan, it was pretty much fucked the moment you were born.
Other operating systems may make you choose, but Windows makes you decide. That's very stressful. Not to mention passive aggressive.
"Enjoy Windows" - If I enjoyed that piece of shit I wouldn't be installing it on a virtual machine. The more isolated, the better.
google buzz - I'm not convinced. It's yet another inbox for me to check.
@El_Chaco_Veloz Si lo mejor que pueden hacer con 3D es aventarle cosas en la cara a los espectadores, mejor paso. http://bit.ly/dHveG
Hoping kickass functionality will conceal the fact that I'M NOT A FREAKING WEB DESIGNER.
Today's hilarious word: "carcass".
"There is virtually nothing logical about grammar. It's all post-facto rationalizations of irrational speaking practices."
#WoofWednesday http://bit.ly/911y6p
Si Matuk es el Carl Sagan de la informática en México, estamos jodidos :(
the very concept of life insurance is creepy and twisted.
@silicongirl password fail :P lol
user: herc. Password: hercules. HOW FUCKING HARD TO REMEMBER IS THAT?
I fucking HATE users who forget their passwords. I should plainly refuse to help them.
Kernel upgrade FAIL: I installed the latest kernel, then uninstalled all the others... oops, I deleted the new one as well.
WTF, someone sent a picture of a cow to our printer.
... that actress was so fat, instead of a stunt DOUBLE she needed a TRIPLE. LOL!
How I know football isn't really my thing: I fell asleep during the superbowl. Three years in a row. Boring shit, I tell ya.
Percy Jackson. I'm a sucker for Greek mythology. However the premise sounds really stupid. Guess I'll wait for Clash of the Titans.
Watching an idiot whose brain was turned into shit by Windows groping for an obvious routing problem. I bet he kills our computer first.
I'm a pretty lame twitterer - here since 2007, only now approaching my 2000th tweet. Averaging less than one tweet a day. Lame. :)
It's a testament to the ease of modern life that you can go through it as distraught as most of my users and still be considered a success.
Diccionario español-español en twitter. "Dar del cuerpo" => "defecar"
@El_Chaco_Veloz Hay 2 clases de discos duros: los que ya fallaron y los que van a fallar :P
This account management system I wrote kicks ass. I didn't realize until I started using it.
People. It's cool to remember a bunch of IP addresses. It's even cooler to have a correctly configured DNS so YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMEMBER!
#WoofWednesday http://bit.ly/aTDszw
@pablommm by replying "fuck HTML mail" to any HTML mail you receive ;)
"Cuando mueres, dejas de vivir. Es como si uno falleciera…"
Hey, it's "Fuck HTML E-mail" tuesday
This clip accurately portrays most drivers. Made in 1950, still true. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZAZ_xu0DCg
"He says he can't take the call right now". OK, no rush. I'm not the one who forgot his e-mail password. LOL.