" 18:02:25 up 749 days, 23:54" Managed to get this jewel right before the server went down for migration to a beefier box.
java.lang.UnhandledExceptionException at main(ExceptionHandler.java:75). "Unhandled Exception" Exception WTF?
Just received a "filename too long error" - Thought we'd left that problem behind back in the 20th century.
Should you thank people simply for doing their job? I think you should.
Wow una oficina de gobierno que atiende hasta las 9 PM :-o
@jmgilmeza @El_Chaco_Veloz si me ganó por un taco! pero ya no me cabía nada en la barriga.
Any book that includes "all your base are belong to us" is a win for me.
RT @silicongirl: #woofwednesday everyone say aww! http://yfrog.com/hq153vaj
Downloading Red5 Java source to compile... Wait, wasn't "run-anywhere-without-compiling" the entire point of Java? Piece of shit, I tell ya
RT @ma8a: "Aeromexico 403 contact departure adios" http://bit.ly/bi4bwK that´s ma´boy!
google.com is your friend. Letmegooglethatforyou.com is a friend who gives you a hard time for having no initiative but helps you anyway.
@El_Chaco_Veloz Teledramática dices? JAJAJ
Woo, shiny stuff.
Damn, my C is SO rusty!
WTF an index.html file at every level to handle redirection? troglodytes! ever heard of mod_rewrite?
"Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'I can't configure Debian'" ROFL!
Do yourself a favor and stay away from "Avenging Angelo", Anthony Quinn's last movie. He probably died of shame from appearing in that crap.
Si compro original me salen los anuncios que me acusan de ser pirata. Si bajo pirata no me salen anuncios. Que chingados??
I'm a friday pessimist.
Upgrading to PHP 5.3 broke *EVERYTHING*. Lasted about 2 hours before downgrading back to 5.2.
@silicongirl Best of lucks ;)
How to stop a Toyota if the accel. is stuck. http://bit.ly/a7ehxv . I'm glad to see they are concerned, I'd rather just not drive a Toyota.
OK, when your Apache error_log is six times the size of access_log, you know the application is quite poorly written. PHP errors all over.
#WoofWednesday http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/02/24/cute-puppy-pictures-herd-change/
Just had to configure outlook 2010 - way to go Microsoft, that piece of shit just gets more unusable with each new version
After 25 years, I finally found a debugger worth using.
Outlook should be banned from this universe and its creator burned at the stake after being cut a thousand times and doused in lemon juice.
Even if Windows completely disappeared, I'd still cringe at the knowledge that such a piece of crap ever existed and was popular.
"so, if you ever need an specialist in coproforensics, I'm your guy" -yuk
You receive a handful of broccoli from a midget. What do you do?
Bill Gates on Conan O'Brien == Daniel Graystone on Sarno. I think Graystone did better. Lesson learned: You can't script Windows crashes.
"Shoplifting Win" - http://twlol.com/tw/?v7-40451 #lol #win
"Could you login again? my session died because my browser crashed". And you have the gall to recommend I use *that* browser? (IE of course)
"Works best with Internet Explorer" shouldn't mean "Won't work at all with other browsers". BTW, 1998 called, wants its browser back.
Pointers are fun. *(&wtf);
sharpening pencils with a knife - win
Watch out for the #officeformac hashtag and the free iPad offer - it's a scam.
Friday's only redeeming quality is that it's followed by a Saturday. Other than that, Fridays just suck.
Realizing I actually like the C language a lot.
If Dumbledore was gay, why not Jesus? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8523538.stm
I like operator overloading.
@El_Chaco_Veloz Mas bien yo creo cuando se crashea tu Vista, Bill gana 1 millón de dólares y muere un usuario que tu no conocías :P
"If you find yourself writing lots of code to do the ordinary, you are probably on the wrong track." Unless you happen to be using Java.
10-12% of site visitors still using Internet Explorer 6? What the fuck, people. You deserve to get hax0red.
Kludge: clumsy or inelegant, yet effective, solution to a problem, typically using parts that are cobbled together.
the Business version of Vista has "have fun on your PC" unticked
Ruby has rotten my brain. I can't distinguish between an attribute and a method call/message. Or wait, is that a good thing? I don't know.
Tweethoven's tweeth: "twee twee twee tweet!"
I'm so allergic to microsoft products, that IIS-served webpages make me sneeze.
RT @El_Chaco_Veloz Pinche Windows Vista! <- Frustracion. ¿Notan alguna tendencia? :)