@El_Chaco_Veloz V solo será resumen? Ni me molesto en bajarlo entonces verdad? :-/
Just preordered Robert Sawyer's WWW: Watch. Comes out on April 6th and will be auto-delivered to my Kindle. No more waiting for new books!
RT @Tonejito: Are you still using #goto statement? http://tr.im/T1ov
A decaf latte with non-fat milk. Gayest thing on earth.i'm ashamed to be ordering it.
"I survived a subdural hematoma and all I got was this f**king t-shirt"
Me desespera la gente que abusa de los tres puntos... como esto... es como si nunca se decidieran a nada... o usted... ¿qué opina?...
@silicongirl just be well behaved :P
Always take that extra 10 seconds to thank people who help you, even if they're just doing their job. You'll make their day a lot nicer.
"MY CAR IS WORTH OVER HALF A MILLION!" well, mine is worth over one seventh of a million. As long as we're using arbitrary fractions...
Framesets are deprecated in HTML5! WOOOHOOO!
RT @silicongirl Can't stand people who quote like crazy. Get a brain of your own! - (does retweeting count as quoting?)
@El_Chaco_Veloz CHACO no estés tomando fotos cuando vas MANEJANDO :P
um.. vim ctrl-n completion breaks down when you have a 160-mb file open in the other buffer. :)
Windows Phone 7: That shit hurts my eyes! couldn't they at least have made it so the images actually fit the screen?
#WoofWednesday http://bit.ly/96bsMU
Dude: you take the systems analysis and design exam, you fail it 4 times, maybe it's time for you to rethink your career.
Are you a salesman? If so, tell me: do you like being treated rudely? because most salespeople's tactics leave the victim no other choice.
objdump -d = a world of fun awaits you!
@silicongirl cozy win.
YOWSA I bit my tongue again :( :P :(
If Empire Strikes Back's cold planet was called "Hoth", why wasn't the lava planet in Ep. III called "Coldh"?
"Platform Preview gives Web developers first taste of IE9". I picture a lot of puking web developers ;) http://bit.ly/dqLeWk
We build systems like the Wright brothers built airplanes: build the whole thing, push it off the cliff, let it crash, and start over again
Ah Sunday - I wish you didn't take your name so seriously. Ah the sunlight it burns!
Last January marked my 2nd year without drinking coke. Celebration or mourning? I don't know :-)
Odd color choice - makes you want to chew on it. Rolling bubblegum win. http://twitpic.com/185j4l
Remember: when an IP address seems to be in use but you can't ping it to get its mac, use arping instead.
Windows warning: "IE8.exe is an executable file. Might contain malicious code". Couldn't have said it better myself.
Friday, 7:50 am. I'm not a Friday person and I'm not a morning person. Double fail. Still not as bad as a fail-fail.
Win-win situations? There are also fail-fail (AKA epic fail), fail-win and win-fail situations.
IT is to Computer Science as Astrology is to Astronomy.
@silicongirl"no vituperes mi vilipendiado estipendio" :P
I'm style-challenged. :(
RT @silicongirl: Yes, today feels like a Friday and not in a nice way.
Menial, boring, mindless data-entry work: it's only soothing if I DON'T HAVE A TRUCKLOAD OF OTHER STUFF TO DO!!
Irony win: the infocus brand projector was out of focus :)
Yes, you'll make me mad by getting my last name wrong when you talk to me (it's not so fucking difficult, it just doesn't end with a Z)
CSI: Mexico. That was fun!
My belly is like a star now! a giant ball of gas.
"a puppet hurtling toward failure" - or, destiny's puppet. http://www.dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-07-24/
Statement: "Most everyone I know is on facebook." Best reply ever: "You need to get out more".
Ah, the dot-com bubble. http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/58280
@El_Chaco_Veloz Y aun así, 95% son Windows :(
Variable/method naming: CamelCasingIsTheDevilsLanguage. underscoring_is_much_easier_to_read.
Don't know what hurts my eyes more: the 60-hz glow from the magnetic ballast fluorescents or the room full of windows computers.
Our server: will be installed with 4-year-old ubuntu 6.04 because "that's what sybase supports". The wonders of proprietary software.
Thanks to HDTV, I finally realized that most figure-skaters actually wear "naked-shirts"; they don't wear evening gowns just like that.
My presents=mostly clothes. My 12-year-old self would be disappointed. Guess I didn't know how to appreciate a good pair of socks back then.
Letras de canción mal escuchadas: "y Jode la Luna" jajajajaj
@silicongirl thanks! You made my day ;)