Tweets - page 031
@silicongirl Merci!! <3
RT @climagic: Lonely is the user who searches the Internet for an error message and only finds the source code that generates it.
@silicongirl <3
When neither a Unicorn or a Pegasus will do: Pegacorn! or is it Unigasus?
"CSI: Mi Nezota - presentando los violadores del Edomex" - Qué les duran los de Las Vegas.
Así como foo y bar, baz y qux son variables metasintácticas, fulano, zutano, mengano y perengano son "metapersonas" :P
Programmers, this is what you look like from the outside:
Cual indio bajado del cerro a tamborazos, me rehuso a salir de mi pitecantropismo cultural :P
Jean-Luc Godard? Wasn't he the successor to dr. Spock on that old space series? *ducks*
RT @silicongirl: Santos vientos huracanados #Batman
MPAA claiming the SOPA/PIPA blackouts are an "abuse of power". I can't fit enough "ha ha ha"s on this tweet! sissies.
Is the world ready for a day without Wikipedia?
La frase "error humano" es pleonasmo. Nuestra historia como raza lo confirma.
The Artist. If you say you like movies, go see this one. If you dislike it, or at least fail to admit it's great, I'll know you were lying.
What a dumbass, the rename command would have spared me thousands of bash for loops.
Carstens está más gordo que antes, ¿no? hay que ponerlo a dieta, se va a morir :(
Configuring Cisco routers: once you learn it, you never really forget it.
México - Haciendo hasta lo imposible por alcanzar a China.
Let's see how far into the new year I can get without tweeting... er... never mind. Heh!
I had to install Java and a browser plugin to run a stupid applet that requires it. Who uses Java on the browser these days? #DieJavaDie
@silicongirl What is it?!?! the present?!!?
@ma8a Ay en BC tienen menos nieve que en Topilejo :P
Xmas checklist. Snow: check. Turkey: check. Traditional cakes: check. Presents: check. Most important, family! check. Let it snow!
@ma8a Ni es cierto, ya tenemos unos 5 cm de nievecita :P
Why don't people want to eat ice cream in the winter? isn't that like refusing to eat hot meals during the summer?
Wtf, there's more snow on Google than in Montreal. #WhiteChristmasFail
I expect my 4000th tweet in mid-2013.
What Would (baby) Jesus Do? #babyjesus
El mejor papel de baño es el del perrito :)
Best thing ever to come out of the Java world: Except for one thing. Java sucks too X)
Jajaja, al menos para algo sirven los políticos, pa hacernos reír #soyprole
México: de veras quieres que este ignorante y demagogo sea tu presidente? #NO
RT @silicongirl: Like video games? Take a look:
Mimes are just emo clowns :P
"Correlation is not causation":
"please consider me as an alternative to suicide" :)
My 3000th tweet, at last! \o/ so I went looking for good news, found, but it's down :( good news #FAIL
RT @mtlgazette: Photo: Occupy Montreal Dismantled
@silicongirl faceless people are creepy.
Lame: for your 3000th tweet to be a retweet. Lamer: for someone else's 10000th tweet to be a retweet of your 3000th tweet :)
@silicongirl snow - alien yet cozy
RT @silicongirl: Outside my window. #letitsnowletitsnowletitsnow
Choose your next witticism carefully, it may be your last. No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!
¿Cual es el único zapato que te puede colgar de la nariz? ¡El mocasín! Jajajajajajajaj #chistemalo
RT @victorpalau: looking for a QA manager to join our #Ubuntu OEM team in #Taipei
Occupy Flash vs Occupy HTML hilarious. Flash needs to die.
Ah, the wonders of #Debian and #Ubuntu - I had this BIND vulnerability patched *before* reading of it on Slashdot.