HA!. Windows Phone 7 WILL ruin your microSD card. Testing, quality, caring about the customer, so last century at MSFT. http://corta.me/8s
My Skittles would last longer if I grabbed them one by one instead of two each time.
A few years back I had a job where I worked and didn't get paid. I guess that'd qualify as negative wealth generation.
Have the urge to get a tattoo? here's some antidote for ya. http://ugliesttattoos.failblog.org
Woo, Google Docs has revision control tools.
@El_Chaco_Veloz si Montreal. He visto Tostitos pero no Sabritones :(
@El_Chaco_Veloz Obligatorio: "He's dead, Jim."
Inputting the same information over and over again in 20 different places.
Even the best plan won't survive contact with reality. Unless it's something you've done many times; then it's not a plan but a procedure.
WTF: They say it's urgent, I send a first reply within 8 minutes, and 1 hour later we're still not even on the phone. Not that important, eh
Shocking discovery, we found strange messages hidden in eggplants. Thin eggplant slices contain words like "juus" and "trac".
No me sorprende que cuando un juez o magistrado toma una decisión, se le llame "fallo". ¡Siempre la cagan!
#WoofWednesday dog vs. snow http://dogs.icanhascheezburger.com/2010/11/09/funny-dog-pictures-tastez-like-water/
Be honest: have you EVER used the "reset/clear form" button? why does it even exist? I've never used it, not once in 15 years.
2/3 cup of Skittles = your daily recommended vitamin C intake, FTW.
"Tú, amigo, tú, pobre diablo" - jajaja. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFpl5gdZlws
Just discovered soft wrap in textwrangler. I'd foolishly assumed it couldn't do such a thing!
I hate daylight savings time. Glad it's over. Even if it means it's already nighttime by 5 pm. Natural Order of Things win.
Pancakes rock! so fluffy, yum
I kinda miss the 83-inch screen!
Can your Mac do this??? http://memebase.com/2010/11/04/memes-mac-vs-pc-rages-on/
Python - what a weird language. At least it doesn't give me brain cramps the way Lisp does.
Content selection on Netflix for Canada sucks. May I suggest zip.ca, they still send discs by post but at least have stuff worth watching.
Much happier since I installed FlashBlock: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/433/ the Internet as it was meant to be.
RT @ma8a: La "i griega" se llamará "ye" http://t.co/ygkTEXF
Laptop batteries last up to 1/3 less when browsing the web with Flash. DIE FLASH, DIE! http://corta.me/7a
"Wrestling midgets killed by fake hookers" Yeah, when you look at it like that, sounds awul... http://corta.me/79
my MacBook's tiny speakers valiantly blasting Beethoven's Emperor Concerto against the neighbor's behemoth subfwoofer and his lame reggae.
Liked 2001: A Space Odyssey? then you're gonna hate this ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOUsbtUrXHk
But... I don't want to BE the controller :(
"the social". I think I found a Zune cookie. http://twitpic.com/33ur1v
Had a #shower yesterday. My first of the week? Search my timeline to find out!
I dislike people who can't express themselves without a Word document. A simple e-mail with a couple of JPG attachments would have sufficed.
Jump the Shark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDthMGtZKa4
#WoofWednesday everything's larger with a great dane http://dogs.icanhascheezburger.com/2010/11/03/funny-dog-pictures-love-my-pet-rock/
USA: just remember how much you hated Bush and the GOP 4 years ago. No political memory, no wonder Arnold was elected back in the day.
Sometimes I surprise myself. As the Freakazoid would say... "I know, I make it look easy".
PHP 5.3 includes this wonderful programming construct known as GOTO. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP#PHP_5.3_and_newer
Is it a binary day today too? 10-11-01?
Took a #shower ;) yesterday but forgot to tweet about it. Pointless babble FTW.
Last two of our beautiful peaches spoiled away because we didn't eat them in time :(
Most people have no concept or proportion of data sizes and think it's just a matter of "waiting long enough". Me, I hate 3-GB attachments.
Windows, as usual, making me waste my time. Fuck you, I'm off to do some Rails programming.
Naive question in 2006: "When am I ever going to outgrow 2 GB RAM?" Answer: "in about 4 years". So it's 2010 and it sucks to be my 2 GB!
IE6 16% of browser mkt share, and it may never truly die. Think about that next time you want to build an app using MS-centric technologies.
Is The Joker a clown?
Myspace redesigned! Woo-Hoo! KNEEL BEFORE ZO... why do I even try.
#WoofWednesday command fail. In all fairness, the dog did as it was told... http://failblog.org/2010/10/25/epic-fail-video-command-fail/
Best dog-themed tattoo ever. #WoofWednesday http://skateboardingmagazine.com/blog/2010/10/25/shitty-skateboarding-tatt-literally/
I'd say about 50% of trash on Canadian streets is composed of Tim Hortons cups, wrappings and whatnot. Think before you toss that cup away.