Intestinal fauna! #FAIL
Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutemberg, dead at 64 :( So long and thanks for all the eBooks
@silicongirl happy year-versary :P
"ay ya déjame descansar" :P
RIP Jack Layton. It's rather sad news really.
Lessons learned the hard way: maple syrup should not be kept unrefrigerated :( #Fail
@silicongirl 肯定的な ! So! (no idea what I'm saying)
"Si te casas no te divorcies, y si te divorcias ya no te vuelvas a casar; es el mismo infierno pero con distinto diablo" - Oído en una boda.
I didn't see the Apple fanboys saying anything about Lion's "borrowed" overlay scrollbar (from Ubuntu) or full-screen apps (CBM Amiga).
Vegan Black Metal Chef! The power of Satan compels you!
@silicongirl You are not a robot :P
Every time someone buys an Android phone, a kitten dies. And Microsoft makes $15.
@silicongirl I like your tweets ;)
Google, Fuck! why was there no doodle for Canada day 2011? mumble mumble.
After 3-week strike and 200 million dollar loss, Canada Post finally managed to achieve same level of efficiency as Mexican Postal Service.
About to board a plane and be away from home for a week. But I'm leaving this here in Montreal -> <3
A ver y por que no hubo concurso de la palabra más jocosa del español? Yo voto por "espantajo" %D
Squirrel hunting. Some raccoon and gopher too. Forest fauna win.
#Ubuntu, free as in speech and free as in beer! How do they do it? Find out here!
Ya estuvo bueno con su "palabra más hermosa", yo voté por "Parangaricutirimícuaro" :(
@silicongirl CINNABON! yaay! surprise fail but dessert win :) <3
My new favorite invention. "Just add water" pancake mix. So easy!
Comment found on a source file: "Whoever programmed this is an idiot,". However, the non-commented version doesn't work, commented one does.
"awesome" = "de pelos"?
bzr qlog rocks so much, I had to bite the bullet and install the 75 MB of dependencies to have it. bzr visualize just doesn't cut it.
whoa, 33 new tweets! I click in the box and... 3 new tweets appear. Counting FAIL twitter.
<- my nasty self ! (@silicongirl hello!) : hacked! That's why I don't recommend use of Joomla.
@silicongirl sorry about the phone :( don't bite your nails ;)
Montreal weather, what surprises do you have in store for us this week? *on a sunny but windy day after a weekend of deluge*
RT @silicongirl: Email is for punks! :)
OS X Lion's "Launchpad" feature looks a lot like Ubuntu's Unity App Lens. And they took the name from! Ubuntu feels flattered!
Lovely lunch on the slopes of Mont Royal. <3 thanks!
RT @xiam: las "nutriólogas gordas" son el equivalente a "desarrolladores de visual basic".
Funny how when others copy Apple, fanbois cry foul, but when Apple copies others it's "yay now the competition has no advantage over Apple".
I didn't have high hopes for X-Men: First Class. I'm happy to have been proven wrong. Awesome movie!
1- I want book. 2- I go 3- I choose book, click "Buy now". 4- Book appears on Kindle instantly. So convenient but also CREEPY.
Canada Post on strike, and meanwhile, is down. Is the sysadmin unionized or did the mailmen "go postal" on the network?
BTW, Kudos MSFT, putting the WP7 "I can't fit stuff to your screen" iface on Win8. Sucked small screens, is idiotic on huge desktop displays
Funny that I've received warnings about the impending Canadian Postal Worker strike... from everyone, except from Canada Post. #FAIL
@silicongirl pennies! awesome pic!
Current temp 25C, apparent temp 32C. Damn humidity. There's Montrealpulco for ya!
btw it's #WoofWednesday!
@silicongirl Ire, produitos de alta calidá le viene ofreciendo lo que es el zorrillo mascota, zorrillito llévelo llévelo
En medios se refieren al agua como "el líquido". Es como "El Donald". Ojo, la pipí también es un líquido, no te vayan a dar gato por liebre.
RT @silicongirl: The sun is shining bright and warm. The day is clean and new. The city is gorgeous. Must be #Montreal.
Some sentences or words are intrinsically hilarious. "Die horribly" is one of them, at least when talking about killing a process on Linux.
Skunks aren't ugly, they just stink.
Temp is 21 Celsius and crazy humidity. Just like Acapulco! Montrealpulco FAIL.