I hate 2-person groups!!!!!!
another 3 moodle installations!
I don't like Microsoft LiveMeeting.
Some schmuck got dragged into the attorney's office because he got caught inside the ladies' room.
@silicongirl thanks :)
Have to give a statement at the school attorney's office. Man, what a lousy day.
I'm too good for my own good some times!
Good: Robert J. Sawyer's Flashforward will be a tv series. Bad: helmed by Brannon Braga, responsible for running Star Trek into the ground.
DAMN! hell week is coming again in.... 6 months, luckily!
sitting on my ass watching tv all day!
Hell week is over!
Hidden treasures! found a pineapple Jarrito hidden in my bookshelf! drinking it now.
Rails Rumble is coming! can't believe it's already been a year!
The worldtanic sinks; you're on top, you might make it alive. You're 3rd class down below (Mexico), your outlook is not so good.
I hate fridays!
@El_Chaco_Veloz just in charge of computer-graded exams. Extraordinarios! 70% fail rate.
We caught someone cheating on an exam. We're going to nullify his score, poor schmuck won't find out until official results come out.
I hate WIndows!
Hell Week: Finance exams are today, don't be late for those!
some dope ripped our register sheets and threw them into the trash
Hell Week: full house at 11 AM! will be fun.
Wow, I just realized I have almost 10 years' experience with PHP.
http://twitpic.com/evqq - A praying mantis we found on a door frame
OMG Broderbund's The Print Shop still exists! http://tinyurl.com/5v3xm9
Coming to Transylvania on a Sunday afternoon - bad idea!
just delivered the sneaky bio samples we were keeping in the fridge, will get results next week
watching some parkour lamers epic-failing
I'm so horrified by ASP and .NET that I'm learning Python, a language I don't like. Every language I know is a chance to stay away from .NET
Next week: HELL WEEK !!!
As usual. Windows fumbles and drops the ball. Linux picks it up and runs to touchdown. Linux saves the day *yet* again.
I actually prefer to step, barefoot, on a mushy dog turd, than program with Microsoft tools and languages.
ASP is the spawn of hell, I'll be glad if I never have to see anything like this again.
messed up, have to repeat 5 processes. About 1/2 hour wasted.
Microsoft development tools are a cursed mess. I can't make heads or tails of this!
Another microsoftesque oxymoron: calling this tangled monstrosity of a mess a "solution file".
Windows, are you kidding me? 16 minutes to decompress a 6-mb file???
Microsoft: after a 1.3 GB download for the .Net SDK, would it be too much to ask to include the actual frigging runtime with the thing?
WTF 1.3 GB download for .Net development framework?????
A wintery chill in this morning's air means our two weeks of yearly "really cold weather" are fast approaching. I hate the weather here!
Hey, if you work at an embassy you get the holidays for both countries! whee!
Mexico City finished 211th on the 2007 quality of living survey. Zurich = #1.
Money-wise, my Macbook paid for itself after this gig ;) Of course the client hasn't actually *paid* yet but.. bah.
PLEASE, when you send e-mail, don't put a subject of "REQUEST". You might as well put nothing. LOL.
Merlin : like 90210, only the Walsh twins are replaced by Merlin and Arthur. BLEH!!!!
Word: I want to create a TOC. I type "table of contents" in help box. Why isn't the first answer "how to create a TOC"? DAMN YOU MICROSOFT!
Why the hell does Word move toolbar buttons around? I guess if I had 2007 I wouldn't even have to worry about that, damn ribbon and all.
I'm stunned by just how fragile the Microsoft web server stack is. How people run this crap in production is beyond me.
Sadly, Excel is still much better than OpenOffice for analyzing large reams of data. Openoffice is so sluggish with large sets.
Organizing terminals by font color! why didn't I think of that before? great when you have sessions to 5 servers open. No messups!
Grrr, I always step on dog shit when walking my dogs. Dog owners everywhere: PLEASE PICK IT UP!