third tire puncture in as many days. Suspecting foul play. Another reason to flee!
Fedora 8: what's the point of having an automatic update tool if it's going to complain about missing dependencies? find them for me!!!
Wouldn't you know it, I have a github account!
There's two kinds of real UNIX Admins: those who have yelled "Oh Shit!" and those who will.
I don't understand the world's fascination with CentOS. Red Hat and all its brethren are cursed.
I hate it when I get a server report 5 minutes before I'm scheduled to leave...
Telephones are supposed to make things faster! took me 5 minutes to get ahold of this guy!
Agile development good for a "culture that thrives on chaos". Then why is it so rare in Mexico?
everyday Windows message: "you have 2 new updates, 4 new emails, and 6 new viruses waiting. Click here to see them."
Sometimes Google creeps me out: gastric bypass surgery publicity on an agile development web site?
I hate it when Google auto searches for spanish content. So what if I'm in Mexico? Most content in spanish sucks.
Dumb: in addition to wasting 2 hours every tuesday on a meeting, I also waste 2 hours every monday to prepare for tuesday's meeting.
kplato: still too green for the job. Planner can't print to save its life but it's far more mature.
Boss takes issue when I say servicing user's requests is going to impact scheduled project delivery times. And *he* is the expert planner.
Virtualization is not *that* hard to understand... is it?
Had to babysit an event all morning. I'd be mad, it's a waste of my talent. They paid me just the same, though...
it feels so good when there's this big ass problem causing an angry mob and it's not my problem to solve ;) watching the mob right now :)
rebooting a nagual server. Hope I don't kill the poor bastard.
trying to wrap my head around Xen's networking. Will I succeed? or will I fail like I did with LDAP, which sent me running in horror?
Gnome planner has me seriously impressed. I used to like TaskJuggler...
Meetings: great way to create a huge backlog of work from all the time you wasted NOT working while at the meeting.
Time for our weekly Meeting from Hell.
Rails 2.2 to have i18n framework! rejoice! no more monkeypatching classes to get localized strings! (hopefully)
Finally taking measures to have notification when I need to upgrade servers.
sometimes fate's message is simply "sucks to be you" :/
rejoice, daylight savings time is over!!
VisualBasic: unable to do a simple substring match comparison. What a joke!
VisualStudio's success stems from the fact that it's a great tool for shotgun debugging. Lol!
Wordpress upgrade 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3. Probably the easiest I've ever done.
Doh, I'm using gmail tags incorrectly, as if they were folders. Key fact: you can have more than one tag on each item.
usual shitload-of-work friday here!
Winnipeg, deadliest city in Canada, has 1/2 the murder rate of Mexico City.
24-gb apache error log. Beautiful.
BTW, I don't do flowcharts.
Actually, the *idea* behind LiveMeeting is incredibly cool. The implementation sucks, though. Typical MSFT.
Microsoft: how gallant of you to call your turdish project bundles "solutions". As if. BTW, LiveMeeting sucks.
It looked so far away but I'm now only 52 twits away from the 1,000 mark!
I wonder who put those idiots in Monterrey in control of Mexico's NIC.
Wohoo, found a "junk" envelope in my files. Organizing it now...
OK, teachers are bringing students for a guided tour of our data center. Guess who's the guide!
We should make a list of names that are OBVIOUSLY due to typos. Today's nominee: Woswald.
should not put "shit" as placeholder on code I write.
"windows high performance computing". Microsoft, when will the oxymorons stop?
Gnome's Planner has matured quite a bit in 2 years! impressed the hell out of me.
What's the point of having a planning department if all they do is complain about how WE don't plan? it's their job, not ours!
Guerrilla-charging my iphone at the office.
@El_Chaco_Veloz hmm por eso lo cambiaron por el enterprise? el kelvin se iba para abajo :)
@El_Chaco_Veloz el otro nacelle está por abajo, fijate bien :P
Bela the dalmatian: at the vet for a day-long medical checkup. Man is she gonna be pissed when we pick her up later today!
... he said an instant before finding a ONE-person group. Gotta be kidding me. Argh.