@pablommm dunno, what? :P
@silicongirl I don't think it was a bite. I just hope it's not some nasty fungus! *yuck*
damn, my right pinky toe itches. *scratching*
@silicongirl the last straw was when the software happily let us configure 5 teams when it only supports 3. Two weeks' work down the toilet.
I'm sick of this piece-of-shit $50,000 simulator that's not worth the fucking CD it was delivered in. Buggy, defective, and runs on windows.
this is it = dizzy zit. Homophone win.
Systems Administration teachers forgetting their passwords. I'm not surprised... just disappointed.
Left a bottle of lemonade at the office for the weekend. Now it has a slimy film at the bottom. Fungi, bacteria, I don't know.
At the kitchen appliances and utensils section. Get me out of here before I max out the credit card! I'm such a sucker for kitchenware.
Life's always a bit better when you're riding a bicycle.
Damn, I cut myself again. Now sporting a Mucha Lucha band aid.
Mission statements suck. Unless it's built according to this advice http://j.mp/bWuYWC it's probably pointless babble.
I hate this asshole who doesn't get straight to the point, wastes my time and wants me to do his work.
Shit, guess I should have read the end-of-life announcement for ClamAV 0.94 :)
Amazon: if you know I'm using Firefox, then you also know I'm using Linux. So fuck off and stop suggesting I try "Internet Explorer 8".
"You could try homeopathy to fix your irrational belief in things that have no scientific basis" - http://bit.ly/bhBVX5
Usernames with spaces are evil. Don't fucking do it.
El RENAPO acaba de agregar CAPTCHA al sistema de consulta de la CURP - ¿quién se las estaba robando para registrar celulares?
Ipad: US $499. Happy cat: Priceless. http://bit.ly/98tzhT
"Cualquier servicio no puede ser usado para..." ¿Por qué no ponen "ningún servicio puede ser usado para"? carajo aprendan español :(
Who says university jobs aren't risky? http://twitpic.com/1fsm2p
How to print from an iPad. It's so simple! http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/15/ipad-printing-solved/
@silicongirl @pablommm was that a tweetpee?
If Adobe is THAT pissed at Apple, they could withhold CS5 for Mac OS X. Massive designer migration to Windows. But they don't have the guts.
Fuck windows and its auto-fucking-Matic upgrade and reboot crap. Damn server rebooted without warning 2 minutes before a critical process.
Failure puppet -> http://bit.ly/jGUFI
"back in simpler times OS/2 was super badass. Both of the guys who ran it were hard core." I was one of them :P
El Windows, aunque sea Win7, Windows se queda :-/
Bacon tuxedo FTW: http://failblog.org/2010/04/14/epic-fail-photos-formalwear-fail/
#WoofWednesday and a puppy for you. http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/04/13/funny-dog-pictures-yes-yes/
@pablommm #hashtagspendejos jeje :P
@MACricio Yo quiero una macbook de 13" con Core i5 :( pero no hay :(
Windows really struggles with being an operating system. Maybe all it wanted to be was a file loader.
Calling MySQL "my sequel" is absurd. Sounds like you have a mini-me.
41% of tweets are pointless babble?
Tuesday the 13th? lol.
@silicongirl half marathon for the Win!!
Men with long fingernails creep me out.
Chief of Mexico City's anti-kidnaping task-force was kidnapped a week ago? EPIC FAIL.
Network sherpa - his job is to haul his clients up LAN Mountain and deposit them kicking and screaming at the summit. http://bit.ly/dqBWjD
Kudos to the teacher who went on a trip - while he was supposed to apply some exams.
It's monday after all. Nothing good to be expected from this hellish day.
6:15 am, lero lero :P
Every time you watch a YouTube video, a tree dies (it's true; the extra CPU load from Flash consumes power and kills trees).
ohnoes, firefox has crashed: http://bit.ly/as0fUN
Using Hotmail in any form feels like holding your breath inside a hornet's nest - not nice.
@yacaFx Muchas felicidades mi estimado. Mucha suerte! Tenle paciencia al juez, luego son medio colgaditos :P
I decided WINs are better than FAILs. Carpooling WIN. http://failblog.org/2010/04/08/epic-fail-videos-carpooling-win/
Off to buy 70 pounds of dog food.
I've multitasked on machines 10 times slower than the iPhone 3G, so don't give me that "the hardware doesn't support it" crap.