Banco win ahora a comer ;)
<Obligatory, yearly tweet about how boring I find the Super Bowl.> watching a documentary on plant life instead.
Tengo tres palabras para ti: numa numa yey :)
RT @pmarriott: Strange - helicoptor(s) circling around Mt Royal - wonder what's going on? #montreal (p.s. this is unusual for us here)
Visit for the official word on the "hack". #twitterhacked
RT @RaviKapoor: Ok. Just got to know that @twitter was hacked and password reset emails were sent out. You click on the link & BOOM. ...
@El_Chaco_Veloz ora y qué le dan de comer al mapache?
@silicongirl sleepyheads rule!
I really hope #Blackberry10 is a success. If only so that there is more competition and MSFT is doomed to eternal irrelevance in mobile.
Chale hace rato estaba alucinando bueno y de calidad, pero orita ya estoy alucinando barato %)
"Reportan radiación muy alta en el Valle de México". Guerra nuclear? No, sólo mala redacción.
"Down-filled duvets, warm-blooded pets, extra socks and your significant other can help ward off the freezing temps."
¿Por qué el pollo cruzó el camino de hielo? Pos para llegar al otro helado X-D #chistemalo
Entonces el Silmarillion es como el Popol vuh pero con elfos :P
First Russians, then terrorists, but now the antagonists in most movies are Mexican drug lords. Fun but sad.
Lucas, Jackson, Michael Bay, take heed: you *can* make a good movie without 3D and digital gimmicks. #djangoUnchained
Que siempre no fueron los perros: #YaLoSabia
Dumb Ways to Die!
¿Cómo hacen los chalecos en Galicia? Primero hacen un suéter y luego le recortan las mangas ;) #chistemalo
"Eso que nosotros conocemos como olor de bosque, en realidad son pedos de elfo" #jajaja
"You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you". and Siri is its idiot sister. #PersonOfInterest
Gangnam Style: making even the numa numa song seem classy and sophisticated. #2012fail
Wtf is a poop deck?
Another shooting USA.
Since we are all, of course, still here, what's the next alleged end-of-the-world date? so I can start thinking of jokes ahead of time #hehe
1- Tell lame-ass joke, 2- Insert prerecorded laughs, 3- Presto, you've just emulated an average, successful sitcom. #NotFunnyAtAll
Ginger cookies! Yum!
Intersecting lines in the sky! What does it mean?
A ver, a que no conjugan el verbo satisfacer sin consultar el diccionario :P
Low-calorie cookies. Great, now I can eat twice as much! #goodthinking
RT @silicongirl: Buenas noticias: mañana Felipe Calderón deja- ¡al fin!- la presidencia del país. Pésimas noticias: #EPN la asume ¡y por ...
Increase in violent cell phone theft! #montreal
Hay un viejo proverbio chino que dice "hay un viejo proverbio chino para todo" ;P
@El_Chaco_Veloz cómpralos en :P
LeBron's day with the Samsung G Note 2: Translation: You need to have hands *this* big to be able to use this phone :)
Remember to thaw the turkey before deep-frying it:
happy thanksgiving and loads of turkey :)
Based on mainstream media I'd say humanity's top concerns are: 4- War and violence, 3- Global warming, 2- Economy, 1- *Zombie apocalypse*.
These guys are handing out roses outside Guy Concordia station. #montreal #whoishussain
Some people were born to be astronomers. Others are in Uranus. #badjoke
Productos naturistas de Ming el Despiadado #jajaja
What's a beaver doing here? #fauna
Que Telcel tuvo lista su red 4G tan rápido, que a Apple "no le dio tiempo" de hacerla funcionar con el iPhone5 #jajaja
Iren tengo esta pequeña versión a escala de la Estela de Luz... #suavicrema
"Prohibido tirarse en el piso a chillar" :)
What do electric blinds and god have in common? Nothing, really. #7AMJokes
Indoor tree!
13th floor! #nosuperstitions
Si existe el anís "el mono", ¿por qué no puede existir la sidra "el macaco"? :P