Pondering the role a sociopath like me actually plays on a social website like twitter
Happy birthday silicongirl!
OKAMI! It was SO hard to find but well worth it; the game is beautiful and the play mechanics are awesome. If only i was better at drawing!
At the mall, it's so crowded! And not like they're giving anything away
FINALLY got submodules to work. Good thing too, because one of my projects was borked without them.
I'm un-surprised by git's submodule functionality.
I'm surprised by github's ease of use. It's just da thing for publishing projects via git.
hopefully my plugin has adequate test coverage now
scheduling assessments is boring grunt work. Too bad no grunt is smart enough to to it.
Man, autotest sure takes the chore out of Test-driven development.
'Rails improperly pluralizes the word "penis".' An "acts_as_penis" plugin was even proposed. ROFL. http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/10919
at long freaking last, I managed to implement a standalone database server.
database server provisioning: 4 minutes.
Geek meet was good but it's better to be home with my darling
thanks for putting up with me ;)
The world's 25th fastest computer runs Windows; the world has become a nastier place :(
project works fine, but rails' dirty objects suck for what i want to do. Ended up writing my own version.
Just updated to rails 2.1, let's see how broken my project was.
Just saw the happening, torn between killing all my plants or treating them really well so that maybe they'll put in a good word for us.
Contrary to our parents' wishes, our frugal childhoods left us wanting for material indulgence; is why now we are compulsive buyers!
Ok, so the 5k with the dogs was amazing and fun!
On a walk with aullido who just got diagnosed for hip dysplasia. He seems just fine though! Guess a dog will always enjoy a good walk
Aullido is at the vet for some studies, we're worried!
Ellen degeneres: such a substandard, that as a lesbian, she turned anne heche into a straight woman!
It's not ASP's fault that the app was badly written and got XSSed, but it's SO DAMN HARD to sanitize inputs in ASP 3.0. WHERE ARE DA DOCS?
ok, the guy who wrote this application is not dumb, so WHY THE FREAKING HELL DID HE WRITE A WEB APP IN ACCESS?
I freaking hate Windows and all its cursed, crippled, lame-ass, impossible-to-use development apps and tools.
Fixing an access-hosted ASP application that got PWNED via XSS attack. Freaking amateurs.
ok, spark sucks too.
Pandion, why did you die? installing Spark, however good it is, it's written in Java, hence it has the heritage of the devil.
Booting into windows so i can use firefox3 for a while. Damn you debian iceweasel team!
greetings from exile! at least I got my network back
Sorry but having a tidy network does not mean hiding all the mess inside the cable management units
I'm a network administrator without net access. I foresee a long nethack afternoon.
Booted from my cube due to alleged bad working conditions. Now i have a 2 foot desk, no net, no ventilation, no phone. What gives?
Just got exiled to a shared cube. Have to use visual bell on my terminal and I hate it.
WHEE, my "single ugliest line of ruby code ever" got used in Obie Fernandez's Railsconf 2008 "worst rails code" presentation! (slide 43).
OK, so what to do next, password storage with encryption or detection of attribute changes with logging to comments?
my near-death experience gave me insight on how to finish a tough project!
I'm so deaf, people YELL at me when chatting online :(
I almost died from a nasty stomach flu yesterday. Feeling better today! good thing too, we have a road race this sunday.
i got a nasty stomach ache. No more tacos for a while!
My long run is a 36-minute 5k. So what? :P
Meetings don't even qualify as work: actually they're a waste of time you get paid for
OK so the iphone is coming to botswana and senegal. Is it going to take like the entire GDP of those countries to buy one iphone? :(
@silicongirl glad you noticed about the body wash ;)
Try this: turn on your tv at random times during the day, see how often commercials are on.
Baking some cheese & apple pies, yum!
Aullido's good vibes sure come in handy today; saturdays in mexico city bring out the worst in people.
Aullido spreading good vibes at starbucks!