Kudos to the EIGHT dumbasses who actually BOUGHT "I am rich", the US $999.99 app for the iphone. Work of art, yeah, sure.
Microsoft hires new ad agency to promote Vista: Maybe they figure even a polished turd looks better with a cherry on top? seen on slashdot
Bill Gates article on Time. Who is he to talk about creative capitalism? MSFT is one of the most old-school capitalist companies around.
My new olympic-themed ringtone combines nostalgia with geekiness. And no, it's not an official fanfare from previous olympics!
Olympics schedule is murder for us; will have to set up daily recording of live transmissions. At least we can watch nightly highlights.
my cube still stinks up when it rains outside, and right now it's pouring!
http://twitpic.com/6wnu - Cleaning guys are on strike and I'm not allowed to empty my own trash can...
brief panic due to misplaced wallet. Turned up under the driver's seat. Good, I won't be cancelling my credit card today.
Haha, just caught Nokia recycling model numbers! older: http://www.nokia.co.uk/A4222014 and newer: http://europe.nokia.com/A41063183
OK, TouchTerm: SSH for the iPhone. yay!
SMART is a piece of crap; the disk has one unreadable sector but a health check shows it as OK. Bleh At least smartd emailed me a report.
upgrading our mail server antivirus (ClamAV). Solaris, so integration is not as good. Hope I don't bring the mail service down as usual!
hey, there's a cricket in my office!
End of an era: our SGI O2 is now offline, replaced by a virtual machine under Linux. My work here is done, heading home.
I am NOT amused by SSH bruteforcers. Hopefully they'll feel the same about new measures I'm putting up to deal with them >:)
LOL, users circumvented the firewall ban on IMing by using web-based clients. LOL.
while editing shorewall's "rules" file I had to type "vim rules". Couldn't agree more.
Replacing the Linux box with a sonicwall just because you don't understand it is NOT a good reason. They could always have me admin the box.
Dear lord. Mail clients DO NOT HAVE a DNS configuration setting. Don't they teach this stuff anymore? OTOH, I had to learn it on my own...
9 puppies rescued from certain death. News made my day, thanks darling! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7544946.stm
iphonefan.com just discovered iPhone has VISUAL VOICE MAIL. What was everyone using the phone for, then? it's one of its killer features!
No, bringing in a second power line won't work unless they also get a second 15kVA UPS. I hate it when people in charge have no clue.
LOL, I just got rickroll'd
Olympics start in 2 days, and one of Mexico's 2 broadcaster's site is all abuzz... with news of the national soccer team's new trainer. Bah.
So one more reason to buy legitimate movies is gone: all my DVDs are slowly dying; akin to Laserdisc's "rot".
Think your PlayStation3 is powerful? Windows Vista takes 25 minutes to boot on a PS3. How's that for bloatware?
- "what'd she do to you" - "nothing, she just... exists" LOL!
Software companies: running your app read-only from a shared folder does NOT make it client-server.
Laugh as you will, but here at our computing center we´ve been on a "hellness" program for the last 2 months. See the latest dilbert.com.
my movie finished encoding, it´s so cute at 1.2 GB!
If the firewall won't let you unblock access, replace the firewall. If the guy in charge has no clue how to open access, replace the guy!
did the tech support guys just misplace passwords for 70 new computers?
Also, does investing in a company generate value per se? or is it all fiction? I think it's all a scam but what do I know.
Cuz yeah, Chavez figured out that what's good for private enterprise is not always best for the common citizen.
So financial types are all outraged because Chavez is scaring off investors from Venezuela. Maybe because he's trying to benefit his people?
neat trick! Turn your iPhone upside down while viewing a photo ;)
processing really big movie to fit it on an iPhone. The end result will be tiny, almost cute at 480x264. Hope I got the aspect ratio right.
Scheduling backup for the new server! backuppc rocks. Except for backing up Windows boxen, then it sucks. A bit.
Why on earth does searching for "apeshit" on Wikipedia redirect to "anger"?
Setting up the replacement for the old O2 workstation/server; I'm essentially setting up its last will and testament !
should have taken darling's advice and stayed home; first two people I had to face out in the street were idiots!
just ordered a huge pizza and calzones. Calzón is Spanish for "underpants", languages can be weird!
Just bathed the dogs for the first time in 2 months; shouldn't put it off for so long!
dogs, reproductive excellence = tried to screw anything that moved!
http://twitpic.com/6a4y - We don't need no education!
The killer application IS making calls; calling from the iPhone is so fin I might use up all my minutes!
Best finance-related movies/series: WALL STREET, Other People's Money, The Associate, The $treet, Bull... Barbarians at the gate?
Bela the dalmatian is mad at me for not letting her choke herself to death with a razor-sharp chicken bone!
Dogs and I: got hit by an automatic door, almost run over 4 times, even once while on the sidewalk. Fridays bring out the worst in people.
I just became official Database administrator. Officially anyway; I've been the defacto DBA for ages now.