Wah, internet explorer ruined my pretty forms ;(
I don't understand why nobody else understands the "remote database server" concept. They keep asking for shell accounts on the DB server...
OK, now I'm mad: Internet Explorer. wants "gray" instead of "grey" but also wants "lightgrey" instead of "lightgray"? WTF?
And then explorer gets all righteous on me: so "gray" is a valid color but "grey" isn't? give me a break, every other browser understands it
"display:table not supported by IE". No comment.
@silicongirl speaking in tongues?
@El_Chaco_Veloz mas tiempo para ahorrar para ese bonito LCD full HD ;)
@El_Chaco_Veloz no prorrogaron el cambio a DTV hasta Junio? :-o
Cats: itty bitty killing machines!
My boss has been missing in action for 3 days, that means a bit more time to finish late projects, but also other projects getting stuck...
Honestly, when was the last time you clicked on a form's RESET button? and when was the last time you did so because you meant to? grr.
How they dared to call this masterpiece the "unfinished symphony" is beyond me. Actually, I know the story, but it's still baffling.
It's been ages since I last used tables for page layout. Didn't miss them, though.
Whee, today's meeting was cancelled, so I got 1 more hour to work.
UTF-8: dragging them kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
Just discovered F12 in Vim's Project plugin. Pure bliss.
I wish CPAN installer would just install what I asked for, instead of wandering aimlessly installing god-knows-what. Stupid walking dots.
OK, 2 hours to do the initial deployment. It's all Fedora's fault actually.
"there are always little edge cases that slip through the cracks". WTF? if they always happen, they're not "edge cases"!
Capistrano: suspiciously like rake. I like vlad's approach better.
Time to capify this project.
Great dane almost gave me a black eye today. Instead it's just an scratched and swollen eyelid. Is what I get for disinfecting her paw wound
The detector says I'm a cylon, my secret is out!
Working on a saturday. Sucks to be me, I'd rather be walking the dogs.
phusion passenger has me quite impressed. It deals with the crappy Fedora just fine.
I dislike black webpages.
a nasty painful cut on one finger + a long, sharp fingernail in the finger next to it = extreme pain. Yowza.
Haven't been to a gopher server in like 15 years.
@El_Chaco_Veloz Fail. Como juguete mejor un NDS o PSP :)
mark of a true sociopath: I don't like the gas station I went to today because they're friendly and have good service.
@El_Chaco_Veloz espera a la Palm Pre o un iPod touch. el iphone - buen ipod, buen browser, buenos juegos, no tan buen teléfono.
Man Robs Convenience Stores With Klingon Batleth Sword: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/18637190/detail.html
I wouldn't be a sociopath if people didn't suck so much!
Hey, new buttons on gmail!
Mailbox of doom took a slice off my finger. Typing is hard with a finger out of commision! at least my Hello Kitty band-aid is cute.
new version of fieldrunners!
Argh, death by tamales!
"we need to talk, I think we can enhance your proposal's value". Way to start the (short) week with some PHB bulshit.
Football sucks. I've known it for years. The SuperBowl's commercials being more interesting than the game proves me right.
Eating fried grasshoppers ;) yum
3-day weekend whee!
@El_Chaco_Veloz Dios me libre! no, MySQL y PosgreSQL. El SQL Server lo tenemos en su jaulita, lejos de todo mundo, ni lo anunciamos.
I'm the de facto DBA here. God help them!
Pondering whether to throw away 2 months of beginner-level PHP work and redo the whole project with Rails.
Ywargh, rubyforge is down :(
Being part of a team of true geeks, instead of a herd of drones who can't program their way out of wet paper bag. That's what I really miss.
Actually, the term "Wintendo" is derisive for Nintendo. Leave my Wii alone!
Running around preparing and delivering documents. Waste of my skills. Then again, I make US $9.00 an hour...
@El_Chaco_Veloz Ah recuerdo haber descifrado el archivo de datos de esa cosa a punta de editor hexadecimal :)
Manuals for this software are written in Powerpoint?? WTF???