@silicongirl I see one of these in your future. http://images.apple.com/iphone/gallery/images/gallery02-20100607.jpg
I said it before and I'll say it again: I'm weary of an OS which has as one of its major features a way to bombard me with ads.
Farmville on the iPhone? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
Watch out, Reality Distortion Field being cast over the murky App Store approval/rejection process.
"brownios" - can't spell them but I can sure eat them ;)
KNEEL BEFORE Z... Why do I even try anymore?
Caturday is nigh!
YUCK! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cockroachcloseup.jpg
@El_Chaco_Veloz jaja la magna está en 8.04 el litro; la premium, arriba de $9. Cambian cada semana, a lo mejor me equivoco por centavos.
@silicongirl Tortilla beats being early ;)
@silicongirl soap: smells good, tastes horrible. Some delicacies like stinky french cheese are exactly the opposite ;)
User lost her most recent e-mails: turns out she'd pressed the "oldest mail first" button without realizing. And still swore it was my fault
@silicongirl resist the temptation! doesn't taste as good as it smells. :(
The truth about the Vulcan Salute http://twitpic.com/1tbzlw
@silicongirl Still beats my 0k run :P
#WoofWednesday http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/06/01/funny-dog-pictures-2010-version/
Not stopping typing while sneezing - smeared screen.
The only reason why I sometimes choose pronounceable passwords is so I DON'T HAVE TO FUCKING SPELL THEM. Guess I won't do it again.
Pedestrian Follows Google Map, Gets Run Over, Sues: http://bit.ly/99WUF6
RT @ma8a: ¿Que ayer encontraron restos humanos en el Angel? hasta cuando terminara la violencia!! :P
Actually "Top Kill" sounds like something you'd do on the Unix command line.
Prince of Persia classic/retro on the iPhone - so many deaths, so little time (glad they kept the game true to the 60-minute limit).
I'm rooting for the bull - http://failblog.org/2010/05/29/epic-fail-photos-image-search-fail/
Ladrón detenido con "cuchillo cebollero" - vaya armas. http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2010/05/31/index.php?section=capital&article=041n3cap
Sunday before 8:30 am, it's the best time for a quiet enjoyable walk. Alas, i didn't manage it :( *waking up at 9:30*
"what you talking about Willis?"
IP-to-Crazy-IP one-liner YOUR_IP_AS_A_STRING.split(/\./).map {|i| i.to_i.to_s(2).rjust(8,"0")}.join.to_i(2)
LionCat WTF http://icanhascheezburger.com/2010/05/26/funny-pictures-little-off-da-top/
@silicongirl morning ;)
Leprechaun dog costume - http://www.costumecraze.com/DOG83.html
#WoofWednesday http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/05/26/funny-dog-pictures-a-beech/
@El_Chaco_Veloz Doom II y la leyenda del "gabinene" jajjaaj
We humans make no sense #WoofWednesday http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/05/24/funny-dog-pictures-confuzin-hoomins/
Aversion to vet #WoofWednesday http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/05/24/funny-dog-pictures-pleez/
Ice cream for supper, olives for breakfast. Wonder what lunch and dinner will have in store for me.
#WoofWednesday why a dog that can play "fetch" rocks so much: http://ihasahotdog.com/2010/05/25/funny-dog-pictures-he-expects-us/
"facebook es ideal para mantenerte en contacto con los pedantes fracasados que activamente has evitado durante todos estos años" Anon. RT
Unreliable progress bars suck. Might as well tell me "it'll be done when it's done".
@silicongirl I see a lot of leprechaun in him. Not so sure about the boa bit.
Happy towel day ;) http://www.towelday.org/
Google's Pac-Man stunt generated losses worth 120 million dollars: 4.8 million man-hours. http://bit.ly/c5OR7P
RT @dariuus: Me impresiona qué inteligente esa estrategia de Aguirre de hacer parecer que México trae un equipucho. Seguro todos se la c ...
You don't ask how to "reverse-engineer" something. If you can't do it by yourself, you shouldn't even attempt it.
Anointed with drool. Ah the wonderful world of dogs!
AH, CentOS. About the only good thing I can say about it is, at least they're not using Windows.
@Tonejito must be "Microsoft minutes" - remnants of the "unholy alliance" of 1997. They were in the contract!
PacMan 30th Anniversary - We've had reports from concerned users: "My PC has a virus! a game appears!" - when entering google.com :) :)
crank your volume up and then enter this page (SFW): http://www.kessels.com/catsounds/index.html
Someone just suggested we install MySQL for Windows, under Linux, using Wine and Samba. WHAT THE FUCK.