"Feces are feces" 💩😜
So this emoji which looks like s rhinoceros in a flag is actually the flag for Antarctica. 🇦🇶
Los cocodrilos lloran lágrimas de cocodrilo. Los caimanes ¿lloran? 🐊😭
RT @BicycleLobby: Bacon? Wait until the WHO finds out about cars.
RT @grescoe: A Bixi bicycle v. a #Montreal bus: which spends more time off the road? https://t.co/ucvy5TIBrz https://t.co/OCOiE4BuYt
El calzón Azteca es como el calzón chino pero con Chile piquín 😝
Decir que una construcción está en "obra negra" ya es racista y políticamente incorrecto. Mejor decir que está en su "fase brutalista" 😜
RT @ubuntu: We've launched! Here's what's new in Ubuntu 15.10 for desktop and devices: https://t.co/cDCzgRvvdj https://t.co/djbcf64727
RT @TJaneBerry: Enough with the flying cars. People can barely handle driving in two dimensions without hitting everything in sight.
Harperman it's time for you to go! #canadavotes #elxn42 https://t.co/SLR2M4lrWn
So if in 2011 it was the Orange Wave, so far 2015 is looking like a Crimson Tide. #elxn42 #ElectionCanada #canadavotes
Yes, it's snowing already in #Montreal (pic from yesterday) http://t.co/JeE5edru6D
Pigging out!!! (On veggies) http://t.co/wWfNtjElpV
RT @federicomena: Oigan, @AytoXalapa, ¿por dónde me cruzo al súper sin que me pasen 2 toneladas de metal por encima a 70 Km/h? http://t.co/…
RT @ptraughber: Imagine describing car ownership to someone who had only lived in a dense, walkable, transit-rich city: http://t.co/ZOT9YI3…
@anarcopop más vale que huela a azufre y no a 💩
Si existió el papa Urbano, ¿por qué no hay papa Campirano?
RT @VidadePerrosMx: Tu perro, las alergias y el asma - http://t.co/tf8yVijbRL
https://t.co/bOSegBSDFi The Conservative Party has the WORST record when it comes to Digital policies. #canadavotes
Me duele la membrana :)
Chozno \o/
Que para verse muy correctos, ponen "Tenesi", pero no ponen "Chatanuga", "Cólumbain", "Níutaun" o "Cris Jarper Merser". #inconsistencia
"Trade in your iPad for a surface pro" - I didn't read the rest of the offer because I was laughing so hard #Microsoft 😂
So I had 2 things to say, but it was too hard to shrink them into tweets. So I gave up. Your loss, world :)
No se admiten rateros 😜 http://t.co/VCwWdjrW1x
"Se declaró desierta la licitación" es código para "no le quisieron entrar al negocio por caro y chafa" 😭
RT @peterglaser: • John Atkinson: modern art simplified http://t.co/nSiL5Z1ukA
How to ruin a perfectly good car. #nooooooo http://t.co/JBeqc2UlDv
RT @globalnews: Air Canada pilot diverts Toronto-bound flight to save dog’s life http://t.co/ciL2jDe4C6
Si me voy al cielo voy a comprar mis abarrotes en el Heaven Eleven 😆
Una cuchara con hoyos 😜 http://t.co/sCyXl1PWKX
I shot the shirriff (but I didn't shoot no deputy) http://t.co/6Vc0JlgPMP
#Montreal why are sidewalk users treated as second-class citizens? Unblock this sidewalk please. http://t.co/UKgtIt3NLE
@anarcopop jajaja / auch
Was it gas? 👽
An SUV with LED tail lights is like ordering a diet coke to go with your triple Big Mac with cheese.
Funny how, when watching material about cycling and alternative transport, YouTube bombards me with ads for cars and trucks. #donotwant
Hasta las tostadas tienen Facebook, pero yo no :)
I wonder who told the @liberal_party this "vampire candidates with bloody background"campaign image was appealing. http://t.co/JhXYmS7018
Hello there! #cicada http://t.co/h2rhYEmW9g
Wtf #StopHarper You can't tell us where we can travel, Mobility Rights are in the charter of rights and freedoms! http://t.co/gk9PXDCBGM
The forecast says "clear skies" but there's a thunderstorm and heavy train outside o_O meteorologists fail. #YouHadOneJob #pikachu
A pretty terrible product name? (It's feta cheese in case you're wondering) http://t.co/wH5LB6FWDj
RT @silicongirl: The orange wave is at #MontRoyal
After seeing Beijing awarded 2022 Winter Olympics, Acapulco will be presenting a bid for 2026. #ridiculous http://t.co/DxW5HgJT2o
Berry nice :) #Berries http://t.co/j33HaC0GtS
¿No tiene un cigarrito? http://t.co/EPmjQr8sDw
At the bank: if only multiples of 20 are valid why am I even allowed to enter fractions? #UI #fail http://t.co/Fx78YPRtSO
Yum! http://t.co/SiWmrOcvjB
RT @Sifuentes: –¿Cómo estuvo la junta de mktg? –Uy, salieron ideas muy buenas… http://t.co/usMUEUopSv