"The kind of wannabe cleverness which ends up insulting the readers' intellect" 😆
RT @federicomena: Esooooo, subsidiando a la minoría privilegiada que sí tiene coche. Nadie te da un centavo por subirte al camión o bici. h…
There's a special place in hell for the "genius" who invented blister packaging. May he spend eternity packed in one of these contraptions.
Hint: if you need a thread of 20 tweets to say something, you're using the wrong medium. Get a blog and link to it in your tweets.
Clear, sunny and only -17C! Perfect day to be outside! #MeanwhileInCanada https://t.co/01i8F33v5k
After some freezing rain overnight, everything is encased in ice. #FreezingRain https://t.co/XUzahg3YB2
RT @guthrie_jenn: Ah! D'autres condos de luxe! Il en manquait justement au centre-ville! #NOT #polmtl https://t.co/ECJOAL1SUY
The Fairy Godfather of Sleep 😴
RT @silicongirl: Childproofing your home with low-cost hacks. I really recommend this one. #childproof #catcollar #hack https://t.co/ZehtgR…
@federicomena backuppc on your Linux server can slurp data from the mac via SMB or rsync.
"A Nerd is Born" 🤓😆
RT @silicongirl: I'll say no tree is ugly, it is a wild perfection. 🎄 https://t.co/2nEwE6NnCL
Cooking is not rocket science, it's alchemy. 🚀 🍳
Parenthood is a war full of lost battles. "They killed and plundered but hey, in the end the enemy left!" #pyrrhicvictory #fail
Cheesecake is finally ready to eat 😋 https://t.co/5iHae2QQG4
RT @silicongirl: Pit bulls with muzzles on the streets of #Montreal a stupid & sad legislation. #outCoderre
RT @projetmontreal: Despite a promise to increase bus service, buses will cover less ground in Mtl next yr than they did in 2012 https://t.…
Que feo que hasta los libros ya no los impriman en ningún país hispanohablante, sino en China. https://t.co/XHS7FJz96k
Unbelievable - Highlander was released 30 years ago this year! Where's the anniversary BluRay? https://t.co/270kOh7JAB
People who, when asked for their URL, just type "http://my.name@my-email-domain.com" are adorable. NOT
@mstfacmly try https://t.co/uVuOBTNVXE or https://t.co/bvHXUr2aZi. The first one may be closer to you, I think.
"detailed injury and gore modeling" - is this what sells video games nowadays? 🙄What about "fun"?
RT @NoPublicable: -No me jodas Fidel... (visto en FB) http://t.co/pLyXNA8qND
RT @silicongirl: Really? 2016 what is it with you?
Agradezcamos (en serio, no es burla) al empleado de @correosdemexico que ayuda a rastrear las guías a mano por Twitter. #2016 #tecnologia.
RT @TheDHTaylor: I believe it's Thanksgiving in America. Next year I bet Trump will not pardon a turkey. He will deport it to its home cou…
RT @anarcopop: Jaja https://t.co/0tvX2D7KPt
We all need a box sometimes. 📦
RT @federicomena: Oigan, @CMUXalapa, ¿por qué le echan la culpa a la víctima? https://t.co/u507Ffue7p ¿No han aprendido nada?
¿Cuál es el santo patrono del compostaje? Santiago de Compostela 😆#composta
I just read a 420-word sentence without a single punctuation mark and a part of me died. Punctuation is not hard. Use it and save lives.
Do you find yourself struggling with being wrong frequently? Don't worry, there's a career path for you : meteorologist 😆
"It's the kind of cold that does you good - unless you die" #winteriscoming
Is there a documentary that exposes the sordid truth about documentaries? 🤔
@federicomena your identity provider should have a "lost device" recovery option. Maybe they send a code via SMS? Which idp is this on?
"Having two wheels that do the same thing makes no sense - unless you're a bicycle" #reinventthewheel
I had a dream where Donald Trump was president of the United States ... oh wait ... shit
"Uncle Rembrandt" 😂
RT @silicongirl: It is a beautiful city when the trees are often taller than the buildings. #montreal
Waiting for the lasagna to cool down :) https://t.co/hVTbAQe2Lr
Delicious food is delicious 😋
Greenie, the friendly sock triceratops 😊 https://t.co/KABuQW9ilI
Ahora le van a dar el #Nobel de economía a Agustín Carstens y el de literatura al equipo de "Sensacional de Traileros" 😒
Cuando aparezca el siguiente caso de un #lord en México, yo ya sé a dónde van al barbero. https://t.co/2yI2o3GBxi
That feeling of accomplishment when calling the bank and finishing the operation without having to talk to a human 💪🏻👍🏻✌🏻#bankssuck
😭 mínimo hubieran preguntado a cualquier mexicano que les hubiera dicho en cuantos niveles está mal esto 👎🏼#México #fail https://t.co/tMGqkDk7qZ
Proceso de chicharronización de queso para hacer quesadillas :) https://t.co/8DC9tmQ8E7
Estuve a punto de responder un tweet de un mexicano quejándose. A punto! Pero mejor 🤔😆 y luego 😂😂😂
Notre-Dame des Sept-douleurs https://t.co/wnE0NY6kRJ
iOS 10, Apple maps still has *no* cycling directions. Mega fail. 👎🏼🚴🏻