It’s OK if people are fed up with the liberals and want some change - but the only way I can fathom 52% supporting Poilievre is if they’re mistakenly thinking they’d be voting for a moderate conservative leader like Stephen Harper. Instead, Poilievre is a raging, dangerously radical right-wing extremist who will do immense damage to Canada’s culture, identity, economy and sovereignty. This is NOT the change you want, guys.
By his own admission and as he said himself : here
- Rude and foul mouthed
- Homophobe
- Climate change denier
- Anti-socialist; it’s okay to disagree with the ideology but wielding it like it’s a bad word is a classic conservative / right-wing scare tactic.
- Will literally sell the country and everything of value to the highest bidder (“unleash the free enterprise system”) - this has been tried elsewhere (see Mexico) and it’s incredibly damaging.
- Die-hard Xenophobe and anti-immigration and anti-multiculturalism
- Isolationist (pull Canada out of the UN ?)
- Anti women’s rights
Really this clown must NOT become our next prime minister.