I was mean to chatgpt

I was mean to chatgpt. Asked it to solve a problem I already knew the solution to. Have to admire the confidence but it got the answer wrong - and wrong again even after I corrected the initial error. So I remain unimpressed by AI’s inability to replace me.

I updated a Docker container’s ENTRYPOINT to “/bin/sleep inf” but when I start it, I get this error: “/bin/sleep: invalid time interval ‘start’”. How to fix it?

The issue you’re facing arises because the sleep command expects a valid time duration, and inf isn’t a recognized valid duration format in many versions of sleep

actually it’s because there’s also a CMD defined in the Docker image. (note: at this point it’s useless to use AI, I’ve already figured out the solution).

Ah, I see! The issue arises because ENTRYPOINT and CMD are used together in Docker, and they can conflict if not set correctly. When both ENTRYPOINT and CMD are defined, the CMD provides default arguments to the ENTRYPOINT. However, if CMD is defined as “/bin/sleep inf”, and ENTRYPOINT is also /bin/sleep, Docker tries to execute /bin/sleep with the argument inf, which causes the error you’re seeing.

(yes but the error indicates that the CMD is “start”. Whatever, at this point I’ve wasted more time playing with the AI than doing the actual work. At least I got a fun blog post out of the interaction.