Juju2 unit/service name autocompletion.

Categories: English Trabajo

If juju1 and juju2 are installed on the same system, juju1’s bash auto completion breaks because it expects services where in juju2 they’re called applications.

Maybe juju2 has correct bash completion, but in the system I’m working on, only juju1 autocompletion was there, so I had to hack the autocomplete functions. Just added these at the end of .bashrc to override the ones in the juju1 package. Notice they work for both juju1 and juju2 by using dict.get() to not die if a particular key isn’t found.


# Print (return) all units, each optionally postfixed by $2 (eg. 'myservice/0:')
_juju_units_from_file() {
python -c '
import json, sys; j=json.load(sys.stdin)
for k,v in j.get("applications", j.get("services",{})).items():
    if v.get("units"):
print "\n".join([unit + trail for unit in all_units])
' < ${1?}

# Print (return) all services
_juju_services_from_file() {
python -c '
import json, sys; j=json.load(sys.stdin)
print "\n".join(j.get("applications", j.get("services",{}).keys());' < ${1?}