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  Índice General
- 1
- Bill Croft y John Gilmore, RFC 951: Bootstrap
Protocol (BOOTP), 1985
- 2
- Bill Nowicki, RFC 1094: NFS: Network File
System Protocol Specification,1989
- 3
- Rekhter, Moskowitz, Karrenberg, de Groot, Lear,
RFC 1918: Address Allocation for Private Internets, 1996
- 4
- R. Droms, RFC 2031: Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol, 1997
- 5
- Vasudevan, Nemkin, Gutshke, Yap, Kuhlmann,
Diskless Nodes HOWTO document for Linux, 2001
- 6
- Daniel Quinlan, Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard, 2000,
- 7
- Richard Stallman, The GNU Project, 1998,
- 8
- Amdahl, G.M. Validity of the single-processor
approach to achieving large scale computing capabilities, AFIPS
Conference Proceedings vol. 30 (Atlantic City, N.J.,
Apr. 18-20). AFIPS Press, 1967.
- 9
- G.A. Geist, J.A. Kohl, P.M. Papadopoulos, PVM
and MPI: a comparison of features, 1996
- 10
- Al Geist, Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Weicheng Jiang,
Robert Manchek, Vaidy Sunderam, PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine, A
Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing, MIT
Press, 1994
- 11
- Al Geist, Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Weicheng Jiang,
Robert Manchek, Vaidy Sunderam, PVM 3 User's Guide and Reference
Manual, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1994
- 12
- William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, A High-Performance,
Portable Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface
Standard, Mississippi State University, 1994
- 13
- Leo Dagum, OpenMP: A Proposed Industry Standard
API for Shared Memory Programming, 1997
- 14
- Phil Merkey, Beowulf Introduction and
- 15
- Daniel Ridge, Donald Becker, Phillip Merkey,
Thomas Sterling Becker, Beowulf: Harnessing the Power of
Parallelism in a Pile-of-PCs, Proceedings, IEEE Aerospace, 1997.
- 16
- R.A. Frazer, W.J. Duncan, A.R. Collar,
Elementary matrices and some applications to dynamics and
differential equations, Primera edición, séptima reimpresión,
Cambridge University Press, 1960
- 17
- Alan Watt, 3D Computer Graphics,
Segunda edición, Addison Wesley, 1993
- 18
- Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker,
Computer Graphics - C Version, Prentice Hall, 1997
- 19
- Jack J. Dongarra, Performance of Various
Computers Using Standard Linear Equations Software, Depto. de
Ciencias de la Computación, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2001
- 20
- A. Petitet, R. C. Whaley, J. Dongarra, A. Cleary, HPL - A Portable Implementation of the High-Performance Linpack Benchmark for Distributed-Memory Computers, 2001,
- 21
- Especificaciones de la ILLIAC IV,
- 22
- Free on-line dictionary of computing,
- 23
- 24
- 25
- Entrevista a Seymour Cray, mayo 1995,
- 26
- Introduction to the T3D,,Edinburgh
Parallel Computing Centre
- 27
- Anuncio de prensa máquina petaflops, Applera
- 28
- Anuncio de prensa ASCI White, LLNR,
- 29
- Greg Almasi y Alan Gottlieb,
Highly Parallel Computing, segunda edicion, Benjamin/Cummings
Publishing, 1994
- 30
- The official Red Hat Linux installation
guide, Red Hat, Inc, 2000.
- 31
- Linux Kernel Version History,
- 32
- Message Passing Interface Forum, MPI: A
Message-Passing Interface Standard, 1994
- 33
- Just what is a Convex Exemplar?, The
ADN Connection, Publicación del UIC Academic Computing Center,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Marzo/abril 1996.
- 34
- Top 500 supercomputer sites,
- 35
- The FreeBSD Documentation Project,
FreeBSD Handbook, 2001,
- 36
- Equipo de desarrollo POV, POV-Ray version 3.1g user's documentation,, 1999